Supports and develops extra-curricular activities amongst students, including societies, events and volunteering. The Student Activities Officer represents all students who take part in societies, volunteer and hold the University and YUSU to account through the media. They are responsible for making sure that societies receive the support and recognition they deserve.
Represents students on issues affecting their wellbeing, such as health, finance, accommodation and security, as well as wider community issues. The Community and Wellbeing Officer is key to ensuring that students from a range of backgrounds and minority groups are represented within the University. They also ensure that students are represented fairly within the local community, liaising with both town and parish council officials.
Represents students on issues relating to their course, teaching and learning facilities. The Academic Officer also works with over 400 Course Reps, Department Reps and Faculty Reps to ensure that every student has the opportunity to shape how their course is taught.
Coordinates and develops sport within YUSU and works to increase opportunities and participation. The York Sport President is at the forefront of BUCs, College and Recreational Sports and plays a leading role in Roses, Europe's largest varsity event.
Acts as the main spokesperson for YUSU, chairs the Board of Trustees and is responsible for the reputation, leadership and direction of YUSU as a democratic organisation.